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Beat the Clock: How to Smash Delivery Delays Like a Pro!

I. Introduction

As a logistics expert in the Nordic and Baltic markets for over a decade, I’ve seen my fair share of delivery delays. It’s an inevitable part of the business, but that doesn’t mean we’re powerless against it. In fact, as logistics managers in medium-sized companies, we hold the power to influence and even prevent delays with the right tools and strategies.


II. Understanding the Causes of Delivery Delays

The first step in managing delivery delays is understanding why they happen. It’s akin to solving a mystery – piecing together various clues to identify the culprit. In my experience, the common culprits include increased demand and lack of cargo space, weather conditions, port congestion, customs issues, strikes, and human errors. Each comes with its unique set of challenges, particularly in the ever-changing Nordic and Baltic markets.



The Digitization of Logistics

The landscape of logistics has changed significantly over the years. Digitization has seeped into our industry, transforming how we identify and manage potential delay factors. Using advanced data analytics, we can now forecast weather conditions, anticipate port congestion, streamline customs processes, and even prevent human errors.


Illustration of a finger pointing upward to a globe with a plane and various objects orbiting it, symbolizing global logistics management.

Pushing the boundaries of global logistics management – with a world of possibilities at our fingertips.


III. The Role of Advanced Logistics Technology in Delay Management

In our fast-paced, ever-evolving industry, adopting advanced logistics technology is not just an advantage – it’s a necessity. It’s our secret weapon against delivery delays.


Proactive Measures to Minimize Delivery Delays

So, how exactly does technology help minimize delays? It comes down to two things: route optimization and real-time tracking.


IV. Dealing with Unavoidable Delays

No matter how much we plan and optimize, there are times when delays are simply unavoidable. Weather can be unpredictable, ports can become suddenly congested, and customs can throw us curveballs. So, what do we do when the unavoidable happens?


The answer lies in communication. Customers appreciate transparency, and the sooner they know about a delay, the better they can plan their operations. This doesn’t just minimize the impact of the delay; it also strengthens your relationship with the customer. I’ve found that customers are more forgiving when they’re kept in the loop.


V. Role of MyDello in Managing Delivery Delays

MyDello has been instrumental in my delay management strategies. Its suite of features is designed to prevent, manage, and communicate delivery delays effectively. Its real-time tracking feature allows me to monitor my shipments 24/7, and its advanced analytics give me valuable insights into potential delay factors.


VI. Conclusion

Managing delivery delays in logistics is about being proactive, embracing technology, and maintaining open communication. It’s about adapting to challenges and turning them into opportunities for growth. Remember, a delay is not a failure – it’s a chance to improve your operations and build stronger relationships with your customers. And with platforms like MyDello, this task becomes a lot easier. Happy logistics managing, everyone!



Overcoming capacity constraints

Hello fellow logistics enthusiasts! As professionals in this field, especially in the bustling markets of the Baltics and Nordics, we all know the mammoth task of managing logistics for medium-sized companies. One particular challenge that often rears its head is capacity constraints. Sounds familiar, right? Let’s dive deeper into this and figure out ways to turn this challenge into an opportunity. Learn more about capacity constraints from this Inbound Logistics article.

Understanding Capacity Constraints in Logistics

Capacity constraints can be a real bugbear. In a nutshell, it’s when the demand for your logistics outstrips your ability to deliver. As if the daily whirlwind of tasks wasn’t enough, right?

Remember the Christmas rush of 2020? We experienced first-hand how overwhelming capacity constraints can be. Delivery times skyrocketed and so did the stress levels. It was a challenging period, but it also underscored the importance of proactively addressing this issue. Read more about the challenges faced during the holiday season from this Supply Chain Dive article.



The Role of Digital Tools in Overcoming Capacity Constraints

Now, let’s talk about something that genuinely excites me – digital tools. In our digitally driven world, technology like MyDello is a game changer. The key to managing capacity constraints effectively lies in harnessing the power of these tools. Discover the power of digital tools in logistics from this Logistics Management article.

With MyDello, you have a bird’s eye view of your operations, which makes managing them much simpler. From real-time tracking to automated document handling, it’s like having a personal assistant that never sleeps.


Fully loaded dock with containers and loaders, representing the reality of capacity constraints in logistics.

A real-life example of capacity constraints at a busy loading dock – solution lies in digital optimization and proactive planning.


Proactive Capacity Planning

There’s an old saying that goes, “failing to plan is planning to fail.” This couldn’t be more accurate when it comes to logistics. Predicting your future capacity needs isn’t just smart—it’s vital. Learn more about the importance of proactive capacity planning from this Transportation Insight article.

MyDello’s platform provides advanced planning tools that allow you to schedule your shipments in advance, ensuring you’re always one step ahead. This, combined with effective demand forecasting, can help you prepare for capacity constraints before they even arise.


Partner Selection and Diversification

Choosing the right partners is like finding the right pieces for a puzzle. You want them to fit perfectly into your operations. Plus, having a diversified pool of partners is like having a safety net—it can help ensure that capacity constraints don’t bring your operations to a standstill. Read more about the importance of partner selection in logistics from this Logistics Bureau article.

In our industry, it’s all about networking. Don’t be afraid to branch out and work with various partners. After all, having more options can only benefit your logistics operations.


Agility and Flexibility in Logistics Operations

Being able to adapt quickly to changes is crucial. This is where digital tools come in handy again. A platform like MyDello not only provides transparency into your operations but also gives you the flexibility to adjust as needed. Learn more about the importance of agility in logistics from this Supply Chain Quarterly article.

Remember that successful logistics isn’t just about moving goods from point A to point B. It’s also about how quickly and efficiently you can do it, especially when the unexpected happens.


Case Study: Successful Overcoming of Capacity Constraints

A medium-sized company in the Nordic market once faced major capacity constraints during the peak season. By implementing MyDello’s digital solutions, they were able to optimize their operations, streamline their processes, and better manage their capacity. The results were impressive – improved efficiency, reduced costs, and happier customers.



So, there you have it, folks. Capacity constraints may be a tough nut to crack, but with proactive planning, smart partner selection, operational agility, and, of course, digital tools like MyDello, they’re far from insurmountable.


As we navigate the fast-paced world of logistics, let’s remember to stay ahead of the curve by leveraging digital solutions. As they say in our industry, it’s the ones who adapt that stay ahead. So, let’s adapt, evolve and conquer.


Happy logistics managing, everyone!



Streamlining Operations with MyDello

I. Introduction

Hello, fellow logistics enthusiasts! Having been a logistics expert in the Nordic and Baltic markets, I know a thing or two about the challenges and triumphs in this industry. The logistics landscape is undergoing a seismic shift with digitization paving the way for innovation and efficiency. For logistic managers in medium-sized companies, this means new opportunities and new ways to tackle age-old problems like using MyDello to streamline your operations.



II. The Need for Advanced Logistics Technology

As logistic managers, we’re often caught in a whirlwind of tasks – from managing inventories and supervising freight movement to overseeing regulatory compliance and ensuring customer satisfaction. One hiccup in any of these areas, and we’re faced with operational delays and financial losses. Trust me, I’ve been there.

Enter advanced logistics technology. It’s our magic wand in this whirlwind, giving us the power to streamline operations, reduce errors, and ultimately, elevate our logistics game.


Cargo ship with a network illustration symbolizing global connectivity with MyDello

Worldwide logistics simplified with MyDello’s advanced technology.


III. The MyDello Advantage

This is where MyDello steps in. With a firm footing in the Nordics and Baltic markets, MyDello is more than just a logistics company – it’s a technology-driven logistics partner. Their advanced logistics technology has been a game-changer for many businesses, including mine.


IV. Streamlining Your Operations with MyDello

Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. How exactly can MyDello help streamline your operations? Here’s how:


Real-time Tracking

Remember when we had to rely on phone calls and paperwork to track our freight movement? No more. With MyDello’s real-time tracking, you know exactly where your cargo is, anytime, anywhere. It’s like having your personal GPS for logistics.


If there’s one thing I don’t miss about the pre-digital era, it’s the paperwork. From waybills to invoices, it felt like I was swimming in a sea of documents. MyDello’s automation feature was a lifebuoy for me. It digitizes all documents, reducing paperwork and increasing accuracy.

Data Analytics and Reporting

Decisions backed by data are the best decisions. MyDello’s robust analytics and reporting tools give you insights into your operations. It helped me identify bottlenecks, optimize resources, and make informed decisions – a true game-changer for any logistics manager.

Customizable Workflows

One size doesn’t fit all, especially in logistics. MyDello understands this, offering customizable workflows that adapt to your specific needs. It’s like having a tailor-made suit for your logistics operations.


V. Case Study: Successful Implementation of MyDello’s Technology

Take the example of Vok Bikes, a leading e-cargo bike company in the Nordics. Their operations were riddled with inefficiencies and paperwork. After implementing MyDello’s technology, not only did they streamline their operations, but they also improved their bottom line significantly.



VI. How to Streamline Your Operations with MyDello’s Technology

Getting started with MyDello is simple. A dedicated team guides you through the process, from understanding your needs to setting up the systems. The transition is seamless, with minimum disruption to your ongoing operations.


VII. Conclusion

As we look ahead, one thing is clear – the future of logistics is digital. Companies like MyDello are at the forefront of this transformation, offering advanced logistics technology that empowers businesses and logistic managers to do more, better.

So, here’s my nudge to you – embrace this change, explore MyDello, and get ready to streamline your operations with MyDello’s innovative technology. Trust me, you won’t look back. Here’s to smarter logistics!

Overcoming capacity constraints

Hello, fellow logistics managers! Working in the intense world of logistics, we all know how variables can drastically alter our operations. One of the pressing challenges we face is overcoming capacity constraints. In the Baltic and Nordic markets, where we ply our trade, two major variables frequently come into play: fuel costs and the types of vehicles used in transportation. Overcoming capacity constraints, fluctuating fuel costs, and the transition towards more fuel-efficient and alternative energy vehicles are as inevitable as they are impactful, significantly altering our strategies. Intrigued? Let’s dive deeper.


Understanding Fuel Cost Fluctuations and Capacity Constraints

What Are Fuel Fluctuations and Capacity Constraints?

Simply put, fuel cost fluctuations refer to the changes in fuel prices over time, while capacity constraints relate to the limits on the number of goods we can transport at a time due to physical or systemic restrictions. But here’s the tricky part: these changes aren’t always predictable. They’re influenced by an array of factors ranging from geopolitical issues to global economic trends, the unpredictability of supply and demand, and even our own capacity constraints. Remember the chaos when the Suez Canal was blocked, causing fuel prices to surge and severe capacity constraints? A logistical whirlwind, indeed!


The Significance of these issues in Logistics

Fuel costs and capacity constraints are not just line items in our budget; they’re a substantial part of our logistics costs.


Strategies for Mitigating the Impact

So, how can we, as logistics managers, mitigate the impact of fluctuating fuel costs and overcome constraints?


Airplane flying over fuel containers at a loading dock

A strategic blend of air freight and efficient fuel management for overcoming capacity constraints


The Role of Digitization in Managing Fuel Cost Fluctuations and Overcoming Capacity Constraints

And of course, our friend technology has a role to play too. Digitization can be a real game-changer in managing fuel cost fluctuations and overcoming capacity constraints.



Navigating fluctuating fuel costs and overcoming capacity constraints can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. By understanding the dynamics at play and leveraging strategies and digital tools, we can steer our way through this unpredictable landscape. Remember, as logistics managers in the Baltic and Nordic markets, we are constantly adapting, innovating, and improving at MyDello.


With the right tools and strategies, including the incorporation of alternative energy vehicles, we can turn the challenge of fuel cost fluctuations and capacity constraints into an opportunity for growth and efficiency. After all, in our industry, it’s the ones who adapt.

Navigating Peak Logistics with MyDello: Your Comprehensive Guide

In the demanding world of logistics, the high season can be a complex period. As a logistics overseer, your role involves guaranteeing timely deliveries despite heightened volumes and potential interferences. Is there a way to traverse this high season effortlessly? Presenting MyDello, a groundbreaking logistics solution that’s reshaping how companies manage their peak logistics in the Baltics and Nordics.


MyDello: More Than Just a Logistics Platform

MyDello extends beyond being just a logistics platform. It’s a comprehensive solution conceived to simplify your workflows, decrease expenses, and enhance effectiveness. With MyDello, you can administer your global logistics in under 60 seconds, assess rates from hundreds of associates, monitor consignments in real-time, and minimize email clutter by as much as 60%. It’s the paramount tool for logistics and procurement administrators seeking to streamline their functions and make more enlightened decisions.



Peak Logistics with MyDello: Top Tips from Real Shippers

However, you needn’t just take our assertion for it. In this piece, we’ll provide a few cardinal tips from genuine shippers who’ve employed MyDello to proficiently navigate the high season. From crucial paperwork and sidestepping concealed charges to handling customs and advanced planning, these recommendations will assist you in mastering peak logistics with MyDello.


Vital Documentation

A critical facet of triumphant logistics management is possessing appropriate documentation. MyDello allows for straightforward management and organization of your documents in one location, conserving time and mitigating the likelihood of mistakes.


Bypassing Hidden Costs

Unforeseen fees can promptly diminish your earnings. MyDello’s lucid pricing structure guarantees you comprehend precisely what you’re spending, assisting you in circumventing any unpleasant surprises.


Handling Customs

Interacting with customs can be a convoluted procedure. MyDello’s proficient team can lead you through the process, ensuring your consignments get through customs swiftly and effectively.



High season is an active period, making it crucial to strategize in advance. MyDello’s progressive planning utilities let you schedule your consignments beforehand, ensuring you’re consistently ahead of the game.



Fruitful logistics management hinges on effective communication. MyDello’s incorporated communication instruments permit you to maintain contact with your team, associates, and clients, ensuring everyone is in sync.


By adhering to these suggestions and harnessing MyDello’s capabilities, you can traverse the high season with assurance. So, what’s holding you back?




Hey there, logistics managers! You know better than anyone that the freight forwarding industry is in constant motion, literally and figuratively. But lately, there’s been a shift in the tectonic plates beneath us. As a logistics veteran navigating the waters of the Nordic markets for years, I can say we’re witnessing nothing less than a revolution. The protagonist of this upheaval? MyDello is an innovative logistics platform that’s transforming the freight forwarding game. Intrigued? Let’s dive in.


The Traditional Freight Forwarding Industry

Freight forwarding, the backbone of global trade, has always been a colossal but complex beast. In the Baltic and Swedish markets, where medium-sized companies are the lifeblood of our economy, the labyrinthine logistics processes can be incredibly daunting. As a logistics manager, you’re juggling a whirlwind of tasks, from arranging shipments and handling paperwork to managing customs and ensuring timely deliveries. Believe me, I’ve been there.



The Need for Innovation in Freight Forwarding

Given the sheer complexity of freight forwarding, it’s no surprise that the industry was ripe for digital disruption. Imagine the efficiency gains of real-time tracking or the convenience of automated document handling. Or better yet, envision the power of data analytics propelling your decision-making. The possibilities are endless and incredibly exciting, particularly for logistics managers looking to streamline their operations and cut down on those late-night headaches.


Enter MyDello: The Pioneer in Digital Freight Forwarding

This is where MyDello steps in, like a breath of fresh, digital air. MyDello isn’t just another logistics company; it’s a transformative force. I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing firsthand how MyDello’s digitization strategy turns logistic challenges into opportunities for growth. Their commitment to innovation is a game-changer, particularly for logistics managers at medium-sized companies.


Loading of shipping containers at a port, illustrating MyDello's transformative impact on Freight Forwarding.

Shipping containers being loaded in a port – a symbol of MyDello’s role in transforming Freight Forwarding.


Key Innovations from MyDello

Let’s get down to brass tacks. What’s so special about MyDello? Plenty.


Real-time Tracking

Remember when you anxiously tracked your online order, eagerly awaiting your new gadget? Now picture that on steroids. MyDello’s real-time tracking tool is a godsend for logistics managers, bringing complete transparency and control over their shipments.


Automated Document Handling

In my experience, paperwork is the bogeyman of logistics. Invoices, waybills, declarations, reports – the list is seemingly endless. MyDello’s automated document handling makes this nightmare evaporate into thin air. Now that’s something I wish I had during my nightmarish paperwork-filled evenings!


Data Analytics

Data is the new gold, and MyDello knows it. Their robust analytics tools offer invaluable insights into your logistics operations, helping you make informed decisions with ease.


Customizable Workflows

MyDello understands that every business is unique. Their platform allows for customizable workflows that adapt to your specific needs. It’s like having a logistics solution tailored for you.

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Impact of MyDello’s Innovations on Freight Forwarding

MyDello isn’t just about innovation for innovation’s sake. Its digital solutions are making tangible impacts on the freight forwarding industry. It’s empowering logistics managers to streamline operations, reduce errors, and achieve significant cost savings. And the proof is in the pudding.

One of MyDello’s customers, a medium-sized company like many in the Nordic markets, saw an incredible transformation in its operations. Before MyDello, logistics was a constant source of frustration. After implementing MyDello’s digital solutions, they experienced improved efficiency, transparency, and cost-effectiveness. The transformation was nothing short of remarkable.


Looking Ahead: The Future of Freight Forwarding with MyDello

From what I’ve seen, the future of freight forwarding is digital, and MyDello is at the forefront of this wave. It’s helping logistics managers at medium-sized companies navigate the industry’s complexities and tap into the potential of digital innovation.



As we sail into this exciting new future, I encourage all logistics managers to embrace the innovations offered by MyDello. In a world where staying ahead of the curve is everything, leveraging digital solutions is no longer an option; it’s a necessity. After all, as they say in our industry, it’s the ones who adapt that stay ahead. And with MyDello by your side, staying ahead never looked so promising.


So, let’s seize this opportunity and welcome a new era of efficiency, transparency, and success in freight forwarding. Trust me; it’s a ride worth embarking on.



Navigating compliance in logistics management is a challenging, yet crucial, aspect of running a successful operation. Compliance is not only about adhering to laws and regulations, but it’s also about minimizing risk, boosting performance, and fostering trust with partners and customers. With an ever-changing regulatory landscape, staying compliant can sometimes feel like a juggling act.


Understanding Compliance in Logistics

In the logistics industry, compliance refers to meeting the legal and regulatory requirements related to transporting goods. These may vary from safety and security measures to customs and import-export regulations.

In the Nordics market, there are unique regulations to consider, such as the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that governs data privacy, and transport regulations like the Working Time Directive for mobile workers. The complexity and diversity of these rules demand a keen understanding and constant monitoring, something not easily achievable manually.



The Role of Digital Tools in Compliance

Enter digital tools. These not only simplify compliance but also streamline overall operations. They can automate tasks, reduce human error, provide real-time updates, and enable efficient record-keeping.

Let’s take automated data management, for example. With the GDPR, companies need to handle customer data responsibly, a task made much easier with the use of a digital platform. Additionally, digital tools can assist in keeping up with changes to transport regulations, ensuring that your operations remain compliant without needing to manually track every update.


Man using MyDello for global logistics management.

Harness the power of MyDello to streamline your global logistics operations.


Managing Compliance in Transport and International Freight

Transport, particularly international freight, has its own set of compliance challenges. This includes dealing with different countries’ customs regulations, safety standards, and legal requirements. It’s not just about getting goods from A to B; it’s about ensuring that every step is legally sound and efficiently managed.

This is where a logistics platform like MyDello can be a game-changer. With features tailored to manage international freight, businesses can ensure they adhere to the various regulations while still optimizing their operations.


The Impact of Non-Compliance

Non-compliance can have severe consequences. Beyond financial penalties, businesses may face reputational damage, operational setbacks, and legal issues.

Take, for example, the case of a well-known company that faced hefty fines for non-compliance with environmental regulations in their shipping processes. This not only cost them monetarily but also damaged their reputation among environmentally conscious customers.


How MyDello Helps Ensure Compliance

MyDello’s platform is designed to help manage and ensure compliance in logistics operations. It offers features such as real-time tracking, automated documentation, and data management, all designed to ensure compliance and increase operational efficiency.

MyDello’s digital freight platform, for instance, automatically generates the necessary documentation for customs, greatly reducing the risk of errors that could lead to non-compliance.



Future of Compliance in Logistics

The future of compliance in logistics (Deloitte PDF) will undoubtedly continue to be influenced by digital advancements. Companies need to stay ahead of regulatory changes and leverage technology to ensure continuous compliance.

As a logistics manager, keeping abreast of these trends will be key. Fortunately, platforms like MyDello are here to help, providing a digital solution to managing an increasingly complex regulatory landscape.



Compliance in logistics is a critical aspect of maintaining a successful operation. While it can be challenging, the right tools can greatly simplify the process and reduce the risk of non-compliance. With the increasing digitization of the logistics industry, now is the time to embrace these tools and ensure your operations are always compliant, efficient, and ready to meet the challenges of the future.


Call to Action

Explore the ways in which MyDello’s platform can revolutionize your approach to compliance. Let us support your logistics operations, navigate compliance, and propel your business to new heights. Contact us today to learn more about our solutions and how we can tailor them to your specific needs. Your future in logistics compliance starts with MyDello.



I. Introduction

Hello there, fellow logisticians! As a seasoned logistics expert who’s seen the ins and outs of the Baltic and Swedish markets, let me tell you – the logistics game is changing. And fast. Digitization is sweeping across industries and trust me, logistics is no exception. With companies like MyDello leading the charge, the future of modern logistics is right here, right now.


II. The Power of Digital Transformation in Logistics

As you know, the logistics industry has always been complex. Delivering goods from point A to point B involves a plethora of processes, systems, and personnel. In this complexity, errors are all too common and costs are all too high.

Enter the power of digital transformation. Through digitization, these challenges transform into opportunities. Think real-time tracking, automated document handling, data analytics… the list goes on. For medium-sized companies in the Nordic markets, the impact is enormous.

And that’s where MyDello’s modern logistics solutions come in.



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III. The MyDello Advantage

With a deep commitment to driving digitization, MyDello is more than just a logistics company – we’re a logistics partner. A partner that’s here to empower logistic managers in medium-sized companies with the digital tools they need to stay ahead.

Take it from me, I’ve seen how our modern logistics solutions have transformed businesses.


Illustration of air, road, and rail transport modes indicating MyDello's multi-modal logistics solutions

MyDello provides instant quotes across all transport modes: air, road, and rail.


IV. Specifics of MyDello’s Modern Logistics Solutions

So, what does MyDello offer? Let’s dive in.


Real-time tracking and its benefits

Think about the last time you ordered something online. The joy of knowing exactly where your package is, and anticipating its arrival – that’s the power of real-time tracking. Now, imagine that for your entire logistics operation.


Automated document handling and its importance

In my years in logistics, if there’s one thing that gives logistics managers nightmares, it’s paperwork. Invoices, waybills, declarations, reports – the list is endless. But with MyDello’s automated document handling, say goodbye to paperwork and hello to efficiency.


Analytics and reporting – aiding decision-making

There’s a saying I like – “In God we trust, all others must bring data.” With MyDello, we bring you not just data, but insights. Our robust analytics and reporting tools ensure you’re always equipped to make the best decisions.


Customizable workflow – flexibility in operations

Every business is unique, and your logistics solution should be too. That’s why MyDello offers customizable workflows that adapt to your needs.


V. Success Stories

Don’t just take my word for it. Just ask other MyDello’s happy customers.

One such example is the success story of an e-cargo bike company called Vok Bikes. They struggled with their logistics operations. Lack of transparency, document mismanagement, and inefficiencies were holding them back.

After adopting MyDello’s modern logistics solutions, they were not just able to streamline their operations but also improve their bottom line. Today, they are one of the leading 3-cargo bike companies in the EU, with logistics as their competitive edge.



VI. Conclusion

As we move forward, one thing is clear – the future of logistics is digital. Companies like MyDello are leading the way, transforming logistics operations for businesses of all sizes.

As a logistics manager, staying ahead means embracing modern logistics solutions. And remember, you’re not alone. As your logistics partner, MyDello is here to help every step of the way.

Remember, in logistics, as in life, it’s the ones who adapt that stay ahead. So, let’s embrace the future of logistics together – a future that’s digital, efficient, and exciting.

To read more about how MyDello is driving digital logistics, visit our website:

Opening Remarks

As a professional deeply immersed in the Nordics logistics sector, I appreciate the distinctive hurdles that we routinely confront. We find ourselves in a swiftly changing global commerce landscape, and for mid-sized businesses’ logistics managers, it’s often a herculean task to stay abreast of this dynamic environment.

Amidst this transformation, one organization stands out—MyDello. They’re innovators in logistics tech, aimed at bringing about a sea change in the worldwide logistics domain through digitization, and it’s evident their endeavours are making a significant difference.

Remember the days when tracking each consignment was a manual task? Or the frustratingly long waits for getting a shipping estimate on call? Thanks to MyDello’s Game-Changing Logistics Technology, those are rapidly becoming outdated practices.



The Present Scenario of the Nordics Market Supply Chain

Operating in the logistics realm within the Nordics, it’s apparent that effective supply chain management is not just industry jargon. It forms the vital framework of a prosperous operation. Nevertheless, it carries its set of impediments. Juggling numerous freight providers, adapting to varying shipping rates, and deciphering customs guidelines – it can swiftly escalate into a logistical conundrum.


Recall the era when each shipment needed manual tracking? Or when obtaining a shipping quote required endless waits on the phone? MyDello’s Game-Changing Logistics Technology is making these inefficient practices increasingly obsolete.


The MyDello Proposition

MyDello has developed an advanced digital freight forwarding portal, fundamentally streamlining the process. Imagine a single platform meeting all your logistics needs – that’s precisely what MyDello’s logistics technology delivers. Extensive email exchanges and draining phone conversations are now a thing of the past. A few clicks, and you’re done.


MyDello's logistics technology in action: A busy international port overflowing with neatly stacked containers representing global trade.

Real-world logistics: This high-traffic port scene illustrates the scale of global commerce MyDello’s game-changing technology supports every day.


MyDello’s Logistics Tech: Key Highlights

Real-time Quotes Across All Transport Channels

MyDello’s pioneering logistics tech provides immediate quotes for global shipments across all transport mediums, including air, road, rail, or ocean. It’s akin to having a complete shipping department at your service. Visualize needing to urgently send a pallet to Malmö on a Friday evening, and the most competitive quote is just a click away. Quite a game changer, isn’t it?


Holistic Solutions

However, MyDello’s logistics tech offers more than just quotes. Their array of services extends to courier service, air freight economy, rail freight, ocean freight, road freight, global customs brokerage, insurance, and even e-commerce solutions.


Versatility and Cost-effectiveness

The distinguishing aspect of MyDello’s logistics tech is the flexibility it provides. Users can juxtapose various transport options and discover the most economically viable solution. Recall that time when your regular rail freight option was delayed, leading to a frantic search for an alternative? With MyDello, you have plenty of options, and you can reduce logistics expenditure by up to 20%.


Effect of MyDello’s Logistics Tech on Supply Chain Operations

When we talk about its influence on supply chain functions, the statistics speak for themselves. Since its inception, MyDello has onboarded almost 5000 customers, and the reasons are evident.

Remember when incessant back-and-forth with freight forwarders was our principal bottleneck? With MyDello, that’s a thing of the past. Everything is managed on a single platform, thereby simplifying and accelerating the process. Furthermore, the 24/7 platform availability allows us to handle logistics at our convenience, all courtesy of MyDello’s logistics tech.



The Road Ahead in Supply Chain with MyDello

So, what does MyDello’s progressive tech imply for the future of logistics? It aligns seamlessly with contemporary logistics managers’ needs. Envisioning a completely automated logistics sector, MyDello plays an instrumental role in actualizing this future

Listening to You: MyDello’s New USA-Sweden Import Service In Response to Customer Feedback



In the dynamic world of global commerce, staying ahead of the curve is essential, that’s why we’ve launched the New MyDello USA-Sweden Import Service. Digital technology is transforming logistics in the Baltic and Swedish markets, a phenomenon I’ve personally witnessed in my years in the industry. But as a logistics manager in a medium-sized company, you’re likely familiar with the challenges of navigating this ever-changing landscape. That’s where MyDello steps in. Our focus is to actively listen and respond to our customer’s needs, and our latest achievement is a prime example of this commitment.



Instantly compare options across hundreds of shipping providers to find the best possible solution for your shipping needs. Create a Free Account to get an instant quote.

The Demand for USA-Sweden Import Services

Many of our customers have expressed a need for an import service between the USA and Sweden. It’s easy to see why. The USA is a massive player in global commerce, and Sweden, with its robust economy and strategic location, is a vital hub in the Baltic region. Fostering stronger connections between these two nations is a significant step forward for businesses in both countries.


Listening to the Customer Feedback

MyDello’s approach to feedback is more than just a box-ticking exercise. Every comment, every suggestion, is taken seriously. We believe in continuous improvement, and our customers provide the insights necessary to guide our path. It was their feedback that first drew our attention to the potential of a USA-Sweden import service.

I recall a meeting with one of our long-standing clients. As we shared a cup of coffee, the logistics manager shared their struggle of having to coordinate with multiple vendors for their USA-Sweden shipments. It was a lightbulb moment for me, emphasizing the necessity of a direct service on this route.


Airplane flying over shipping containers – MyDello's USA-Sweden Logistics Route

An airplane in flight over a stack of vibrant shipping containers, symbolizing MyDello’s new, expansive USA-Sweden import service


Negotiating and Securing Partnerships

It wasn’t easy. Establishing a new route, especially one as important as USA-Sweden, is a complex process. It involves finding the right partners, ones who share our commitment to service quality and efficiency. But our team was up for the challenge. After numerous meetings, calls, and yes, a lot of coffee, we finally secured partnerships to facilitate the new import service.


Launching the New MyDello USA-Sweden Import Service

With great excitement, we officially launched the New MyDello USA-Sweden Import Service. This isn’t just a new offering – it’s proof of our commitment to our customers. The service is specifically designed to streamline operations for logistics managers in medium-sized companies, making their work not only easier but also more efficient.



The Impact of the New Service on Logistics Managers

The introduction of the New MyDello USA-Sweden Import Service means fewer logistical hurdles for logistics managers. No more coordinating with multiple vendors or dealing with unreliable services. Our USA-Sweden import service simplifies the process, saving you both time and money. It also opens up new business opportunities, connecting your company directly to one of the world’s largest economies.


MyDello’s Commitment to Continued Expansion and Improvement

Our journey doesn’t end here. At MyDello, we’re committed to continuously listening to our customers and innovating our services based on their needs. We’re already exploring potential new routes and services to better serve you. Stay tuned, because this is just the beginning.



Introducing the new USA-Sweden import service has been a fulfilling journey for us at MyDello. We’ve listened to you, our valued customers, and responded with a solution that will simplify your operations and expand your business horizons. So, here’s an invitation – join us on this journey, and let’s experience the benefits of our new service together. For any inquiries or further information, our team is always available to assist you.